LDAR Server Docs

Getting started

Last updated: 05/23/2022


Search LDAR Server in Google Play Apps. Once found, click install and follow the instructions. Here is the link to the app.

Getting started

Please ensure there is reliable internet connection when you run the app the first time. The app needs to connect to server to verify your credentials and download data. Depending on how much data and photos would be downloaded, the first time synchronization may take a while.

  1. Launch the app on you tablet.
  2. Login with your LDAR Server credentials.
  3. Click Sync button on home screen.
  4. On the synchronization screen, click Validate data entries button.
  5. Once validation passed, click Sync button to download data from server. Do not leave the screen while synchronization is in progress
  6. After synchronization is done, click the back arrow at top left to go to home screen.
  7. On home screen, click Menu -> Settings to navigate to settings screen.
  8. On settings screen, please carefully review each item and set them up before you begin monitoring. The settings will be saved automatically and take effective immediately.
  9. Go back to home screen, select the unit you would work in.
  10. Begin monitoring or development of inventory.
  11. Synchronize when work is done and there is internet connection.

More details about settings.

Congrats! You are set and ready to use the app!